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The Emotion/Body Code is an incredible technique.

Learn more to understand how it can help you !

What is the Emotin Code ?

What is the Emotion Code?



Like most people, your life has had its difficult times. You have probably experienced moments of anxiety, grief, anger, frustration, or fear. Periods of sorrow, depression, low self-esteem, hopelessness, or any of a wide variety of negative emotions.


What you may not realize is that some of the negative emotions you’ve experienced, even though you may have felt them long ago, may still be creating problems for you in subtle, yet very damaging ways. They contribute to situations like chronic anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, eating disorders, self-sabotage of all kinds…


The Emotion Code is about finding those old emotions and releasing them forever.

It is an Energy Healing technique created by Dr Bradley Nelson*, that allows astonishing and rapid improvements in physical and emotional wellness.


* Creator of The Emotion Code and The Body Code System


More about Trapped Emotions



The concept of a Trapped Emotion can be strange if you’ve never heard of it before, especially if you’re not familiar with energy work. But people understand what it means to have emotional baggage. The real question is: Do you have emotional baggage that is holding you back from the life you really want?


The « emotional baggage » we often refer to, actually consists of trapped emotions.

Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events. Emotional baggage is very real, and although it’s invisible, it can really mess up your happiness, your success and your health.

It’s like lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you’ve gone through. Eventually the load gets too heavy not to notice. Each  trapped emotion is a bit of negative energy that was created by you during an difficult event, that got stuck somewhere in your body.

Trapped emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies, depending on what the specific emotion is. For example, Anger has a different vibration from Fear or Insecurity.
These negative, destructive vibrations tend to affect the body wherever they lodge, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues, and in the end disease. They can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them using The Emotion /Body Code and lift your load for good!



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The purpose of the Emotion Code



By helping you shed your emotional baggage, you are empowered to become who you were intended to be. Pains and phobias, addictions and self-defeating behaviors fall away, and the pure essence of your true self shines forth. Any health imbalance is quickly pinpointed and corrected, from the smallest issue to the biggest problems.

Relationships with your friends and family improve, as you release the trapped energies that negatively affect them. You are then ready to embrace the life of your dreams.


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How do we identify Trapped Emotions?



We identify trapped emotions with muscle testing, like in kinesiology. This is a noninvasive tool we can use to identify imbalances in the body. The science behind it is similar to a lie detector test or a polygraph. In a polygraph, a person is hooked up to sensitive electrodes and asked certain questions. The person’s answers generate an automatic electrical body response that he cannot control. It is read and graphed by the machine, showing if the answers are true or false.

The muscles of the body are also affected by this automatic electrical state. In kinesiology  we can use them to get this same response. Any muscle will become weakened in a state of incongruence or falsehood, making resistance difficult.

Conversely, muscles will remain strong and able to resist when in a state of congruency or truth.
What’s nice is that muscle testing allows us to access important information about health. We just have to know what questions to ask, then apply the resistance to a muscle and get our answers!


Emotion Code Seminar - Muscle Testing


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How do we release Trapped Emotions?



We are energetic, magnetic beings. Our body is made of energy, our intentions and thoughts are energy . Because of this, one can have an effect on the other. Just like a magnifying glass will intensify sunlight enough to start a fire, we can act as an amplifier of the energy of our thought and intention, enough to produce a change in the body.


When we identify a trapped emotion with The Emotion Code, we first intend to release it.  Then with our hand we amplify this signal and put it into our body. To do so, we use the Governing Meridian which is the energy reservoir that connects directly to all the acupuncture points of our entire body. So when we pass our hand over the Governing Meridian (from the eyebrows to the neck), the energy/intention flows instantly throughout the body and the trapped emotion is released! It sounds like a miracle, but it's absolutely accurate and it works!


Emotion Code example by Dr. Bradley Nelson 


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How does it work at a distance? (Skype)



The Emotion/Body Code can be used on anyone, anytime, anywhere, without the limitations of time or distance. Most sessions take place through Skype, by self-testing. Self-testing is muscle testing that one does in place of another person. If you are in England and you want to help your friend in Australia, you can act as proxy for your friend, using self-testing. Then you carry out as normal, just as if  your friend were right there. When you are done, you make sure to disconnect again from your friend, just like hanging up the phone at the end of a chat. Actually, proxy self-testing works quite like a cellular phone.

Our bodies have a built-in capability to quickly and easily « dial » someone else, and create an energetic connection with them. Once you’re connected, you can get answers about what is going on in the other person’s body, because you’re picking up his energetic signal. He's the transmitter, you're the receiver, like a television. Then once you know what needs to be fixed, he can release it. Connecting with another person’s energy does not allow you to read his thoughts or feel his emotions. You just get a Yes or NO answer to specific questions.


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What is an Inherited Trapped Emotion?



An inherited trapped emotion is an emotional energy that is received from a parent at the moment of conception. It comes along with the DNA. Inherited Trapped Emotions cannot become trapped at any point after you have been conceived, just as you cannot inherit any genetic trait after conception. Inherited Trapped Emotions can go back multiple generations, so if we find an older one, keep in mind that many distant relatives may also have it.

The great thing is that we simultaneously release Inherited Emotions from anyone who has received this exact vibration, not only directly up the line (i.e. father’s father’s mother). Thus we also "clean" our relatives, children and grand-children!


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What is a Heart-Wall?



During times of emotional pain or distress, our heart can be really hurt or injured. This is where the words « heartache » and « heartbreak » come from. Sometimes we need to put up a form of protection, or a « wall » around our heart, so that it « doesn’t break ». But one can’t build a wall out of nothing, right? What ends up being used as « building materials » are the most common excess energies in the body; Trapped Emotions.

The problem is that the Heart-Wall doesn’t dissolve on its own, even if we don’t need it anymore.

Having a Heart-Wall long-term is like living in a bomb shelter; it’s necessary to protect us only while the « bombs » are falling. But if we continue to « live » in there after the event has finished,  we end up feeling sad, disconnected, frustrated, not living our full potential.We don’t need this protection anymore, but it’s still there, causing side-effects in our life.

The Heart-Wall can be removed, one emotion at a time, freeing us to live from our heart, create abundance and find our true self. That’s what life is all about!


Everything You Need to Know About the Heart Wall


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Bursting the Bubble around the Heart – by Charan Surdhar
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